Saturday, February 23, 2019

God's Love Awakens My Soul

God's Love Awakens My Soul


Satan has corrupted my soul. I am so proud and vain. Satan has poisoned my thoughts. I long to love You but fall short, oh, but fall short. The judgment of Your words makes me know myself. I see my corruption, that no part of me is good. No conscience, no sense, no dignity remain. Without salvation, I might live like one who is dead. You face danger to work among us, judge, refine and call us, renew our corrupted souls, then our lives have value. I will suffer all there is to suffer, offer my final devotion. I will be an honest man, and I will make no demands.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Oh God, My Heart Already Belongs to You

Oh God,
My Heart Already Belongs to You


I used to shout my love for You, there were things for You that I forsook. I know now it was for the crown and the blessing I hoped to gain. I feel remorseful in my heart, to bargain with You is so base. Your refinements purify me. My impurities are erased. Oh God! My heart loves You always! Today's love feels more real. Oh God! Your righteousness and deeds, Your holiness on earth revealed. Oh God! My heart loves You always. Your image is so beauteous. Oh God! My heart belongs to You. I have so much love to express.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Oh God, My Heart Will Forever Be Attached to You

Oh God, My Heart Will Forever
Be Attached to You


Your words give me life. Your words raise me up. Oh God, I will love You forever! Though I am corrupt, You do all You can to save me and never give up on me. Though I try to conceal, try to put on an act, I can't deceive or hide from You. Oh, Almighty God! Almighty God! No matter where You go, my heart is tied to Your heart. Oh …

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

God's Love Spills Over the World

God's Love Spills Over the World


Two thousand years have passed since You left Judea in glory. Two thousand years down the line and at last, You came to the land of Sinim in humility and hiddenness. You saved mankind beset by the corruption of Satan. Since the day of creation Your love has been with man. Your words show Your almightiness, and have perfected a group of people. Your love spills over the world. Our heart is filled with thanks and praise, when we see all the might of Your words. To bear witness to You, man's words are not enough. Your love spills over the world. We wish we could use all our strength to repay You.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Welcoming Your Smiling Face Appearing Before Me

Welcoming Your Smiling Face
Appearing Before Me


You raised me from the dust and into Your embrace. You woke my heart from the long and dark night's slumber. Looking through my haze, I see Your smiling face. It draws my heart and my love. Never dreamed I'd see Your face. Such a blessing has caught me by surprise. Such a blessing when I saw Your appearance. For I am from the dust and without any worth. Yet the glorious Almighty God has come to me face to face.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Praise Almighty God With Loud Voices

Praise Almighty God With Loud Voices


Almighty God, Christ of last days, appears in the East of the world. He speaks the truth to save mankind, He is appearance of Savior. God's people hear His voice, are raised up to His throne. We're eating and drinking God's wordswe know the truths and mysteries, totally conquered by God's words. Going through trials and refining, we suffer pain intense, our corruption is cleansed. By accepting kingdom's training, we gain the truth and we gain life. We praise Almighty God loudly, for He cleanses and saves our lives.


Through persecution and trials, we see the devil's ugly face. Satan is used to perfect man, so man grasps the truth and knows God. We fully hate Satan, we'll follow God till the end. God speaks truth and conquers mankind, though the corruption it runs deep. God's words judge and they purify the great red dragon's offspring. In land of the dragon, overcomers are made. By accepting kingdom's training, we gain the truth and we gain life. We praise Almighty God loudly,for He cleanses and saves our lives.


God's fully defeated Satan, and all the glory God has gained. It is irrefutable that Christ's word is the truth, life and way. Man should love and adore God's humbleness for sure. God's disposition is righteous, with reverence we look to Him. His deeds wondrous, hard to fathom, without end we fully praise Him. God's power makes all lands submit and extol Him. By accepting kingdom's training, we gain the truth and we gain life. We praise Almighty God loudly, for He cleanses and saves our lives.


We gain the way of eternal life and praise God with voices high. By accepting kingdom's training, we gain the truth and we gain life. We praise Almighty God loudly, for He cleanses and saves our lives.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

The tenets of The Church of Almighty God originate from all of the truths expressed by God in His three stages of work.
Many good sheep in the church would prefer to suffer unbridled arrest and persecution by the Chinese Communist Party just to seek and investigate Eastern Lightning.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

We Celebrate Together to Praise God

We Celebrate Together to Praise God


Praise God, rejoice! His disposition is lovely! Praise God, rejoice! It's our duty to witness, our duty to praise our God. Praise God, rejoice!


Brothers and sisters, so happy together. Let us beat drums, sing and dance. Praise God in flesh as He starts a new age. He works and speaks among us, judging man's sin and revealing corruption. We see the appearance of God. His disposition is merciful, righteous, and full of majesty. We shout and we praise! Glory to Almighty God! Praise God, rejoice! His disposition is lovely (lovely)! Praise God, rejoice! It's our duty to witness (witness), our duty to praise our God. Praise God, rejoice!