Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Find the Source of Life | Gospel Movie "Who Is He That Has Returned"

Jin Yinglu was a devout pastor in Korean religious world. He thirsted for the truth and expected the return of the Lord Jesus all along. One day in 2013, he came across the words expressed by Almighty God in Chosun Ilbo, and immediately his heart was deeply touched by those words which are full of authority and power. In order to ascertain whether Almighty God is his long-expected Savior Jesus, he began to seek and investigate the work and word of Almighty God. … As one doubt after another was solved, Jin Yinglu was so excited and fell on his face: Almighty God is the Lord Jesus who has returned in the last days; He has long quietly come among man and done the work of “judgment beginning with the house of God”!
Source: The Church of Almighty God | Find the Source of Life | Gospel Movie "Who Is He That Has Returned"

The Church of Almighty God | The Voice of Salvationophesying That the Kingdom Gospel Shall Spread Throughout the Universe

The Seven Thunders Peal—Prophesying That the Kingdom Gospel Shall Spread Throughout the Universe

I spread My work in the Gentile nations. In all the universe flashes My glory; My will is within a scattering of men, all steered by My hand and doing the work that I distribute. Henceforth, I enter a new age and bring all men into another world. When I return to My “homeland,” I begin another part of the work in My original plan so that man will come to know more about Me.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril"

Zhao Zhigang is an elder at the Local Church in China. Like many Christians, his greatest hope as a believer in the Lord is to be raptured alive, meet the Lord and rule with Him. In 1999, after the church leader released the message, "In the year 2000 the Lord shall come again, and His believers will be raptured alive," he was even more excited and enthusiastic than before. Brimming with faith and confidence, he looked to the future with hope and expectation…. However, after the year 2000 came and went, his hope had been all for naught. An unprecedented crisis of faith emerged in his denomination, and he couldn't help but wonder whether or not he had chosen the right path.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | New Gospel Movie | Know the Judgment in the Last Days "Song of Victory"

The judgment work of Almighty God in the last days has reverberated throughout every sect and group. Following the spreading of the kingdom gospel, Almighty God's words are accepted and spread by more and more people, true believers in God who thirst for Him to appear have been returning one by one before God's throne.

Monday, June 26, 2017

19 God is ever unchanging. Then how can the Lord Jesus change His name to Almighty God?

Almighty God,Jesus Christ,Lord Jesus,
The Church of Almighty God

The answer from God’s word:
“Each time God arrives on earth, He shall change His name, His gender, His image, and His work; He does not repeat His work, and He is always new and never old. When He came before, He was called Jesus; could He still be called Jesus when He comes again this time? When He came before, He was male; could He be male again this time?

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | God Himself, the Unique VIII God Is the Source of Life for All Things (II)

Almighty God,Jesus Christ,Lord Jesus,

Let’s continue the communication topic from last time. Can you recall what topic we communicated last time? (God is the source of life for all things.) Is “God is the source of life for all things” a topic that feels very far away to you? Can someone tell Me the main point of this topic we communicated last time?