Friday, February 08, 2019

It's Our Good Fortune to Render Service to God

Church Hymn It's Our Good Fortune to Render Service to God


We can now hear the voice of God, affirm His appearance and work. We're happy to see the practical God, we're blessed to welcome the Lord's return. Oh! We're attending the feast with God, we're raised to the heavenly kingdom.From now on, we'll eat, drink, enjoy God's words.We are so happy to be with Him. Oh! We're willing to work hard for God, submit to His plans and arrangements, to serve all our lives with all of our hearts, always praising His righteousness, His righteousness.

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Song of Sweet Love (Version 2)

Church HymnSong of Sweet Love

In my heart, Your love's hidden away.It leads me closer to You in the sweetest way.Working in service of Your heart has made mine better yet.I serve You with heart and mind,nothing else I want to get.Your words guide my heart,and I follow Your steps.I will bring Your will to life,satisfying You feels best.

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

No One Can Supersede God's Authority

A Hymn of God's Words No One Can Supersede God's Authority


The Creator by His authority gives forth life's vitality to seemingly static things, so they never disappear or vanish. He gives the instinct to multiply to all living things, so they never disappear. Their survival principles and laws pass from generation to generation. All of this given by the Creator, all of this given by the Creator. None can replace the identity of the Creator, the Creator. So His authority can't be replaced by any created being, nor can His authority be attained by any uncreated being. The Creator, the Creator.

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Praise God Who Has Returned Victorious

A Hymn of God's Words
Praise God Who Has Returned Victorious

Through 6,000 years of His work, God has shown many of His deeds, deeds to vanquish Satan and save all of humanity. God lets everything in heaven, all things on the earth, in the sea, He lets all creatures get to see His acts and matchless power. Through Satan's defeat, mankind sees God's deeds. So they praise Him and exalt His wisdom. Let everything on earth, everything in heaven, all things deep in the sea bring Him glory, bring Him glory! Let everything give praise, praise His mighty power. All things praise all of His deeds, shout His holy name, shout His holy name!

Monday, February 04, 2019

The Seven Thunders Roll

A Hymn of God's Words
The Seven Thunders Roll


The seven thunders roll, shaking up the world, rending through the sky, changing heaven and earth. Piercing is the sound. Where can man run and hide?Heaven and earth are changed by thunder and lightning. Man lies dying. A fierce storm rolls in across the universe, fast as thunderbolt; heavy rain pours in. Each corner of the earth is bathed in this storm and nothing impure remains, oh, oh. The whole world is washed and nothing unclean stands. Who can hide from the stormy rain? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. When destruction comes, all enemies will fall, defeated helpless into the raging torrent. They're swiftly taken to their deserved end, defeated hopeless, rushed away to their death.

Saturday, February 02, 2019

The Voice of Salvation | Guitar Playing "God Treasures One Who Can Listen to His Word and Obey Him"


In God’s eyes, whether a man is great or small, as long as he can listen to God’s word, obey God’s commandment and commission, cooperate with God’s work, and cooperate with God’s will and God’s plan, so that God’s will and God’s plan can be carried out smoothly and fulfilled, such a deed is worthy for God to remember and worthy for God to bless, worthy for God to bless. God treasures such a man, cherishes such a deed of his, and cherishes his kindness and his heart for God. This is God’s attitude.

Friday, February 01, 2019

Faith in God | Hymn of Praise "I'm Willing to Perform My Duty Faithfully" (Christian Music Video)

Faith in God | Hymn of Praise "I'm Willing to Perform My Duty Faithfully" (Christian Music Video)



Dear practical God, You do love me, lifting me from the dunghill, judging me with Your word. I’ve been purified, now I live a life of happiness. From the bottom of my heart, I felt You raised me up. Ah … ah … ah … ah…. Dear practical God, I’ll love You all my life, have my duty faithfully fulfilled. God You never shun from me for my foolishness. You always think of me, keeping me in Your heart. Ignoring how I disobeyed, trying hard to save me. Expecting I can soon be changed into a new one. Ah … ah … ah … ah…. Dear practical God, I’ll love You all my life, have my duty faithfully fulfilled.