Wednesday, February 06, 2019

No One Can Supersede God's Authority

A Hymn of God's Words No One Can Supersede God's Authority


The Creator by His authority gives forth life's vitality to seemingly static things, so they never disappear or vanish. He gives the instinct to multiply to all living things, so they never disappear. Their survival principles and laws pass from generation to generation. All of this given by the Creator, all of this given by the Creator. None can replace the identity of the Creator, the Creator. So His authority can't be replaced by any created being, nor can His authority be attained by any uncreated being. The Creator, the Creator.


The Creator's exertion of authority to micro and macro levels is not confined  and not constrained to any form.He commands the workings of the universe. He holds sovereignty over life and death.He makes all things move to serve Him. He controls mountains, rivers and lakes.He rules all thing sand gives them all they need. All of this done by the Creator, all of this done by the Creator. None can replace the identity of the Creator, the Creator. So His authority can't be replaced by any created being, nor can His authority be attained by any uncreated being. The Creator, the Creator.


The Creator has unique authority.Its manifestation amongst all things does not last just for one lifetime. It's eternal and shall never cease or rest. It can never falter, never be damaged.No man nor thing can ever change it, no man nor thing can ever add to it, and no man or thing can ever diminish it.All of this shown by the Creator, all of this shown by the Creator. None can replace the identity of the Creator, the Creator. So His authority can't be replaced by any created being, nor can His authority be attained by any uncreated being. The Creator, the Creator, the Creator. from The Word Appears in the Flesh

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