Monday, July 01, 2019

2019 Gospel Music | Praise and Worship Song "God Has Brought His Glory to the East"


2019 Gospel Music | Praise and Worship Song "God Has Brought His Glory to the East"

Verse 1

God gave Israel His glory, took it away, then brought the Israelites and all mankind to the East to reunite with the light, relate to it, so they no longer have to go and search for it.

                                                         Verse 2

God will let all who are searching see the light again, see His glory in Israel, all His glory, see He’s come down upon a white cloud in the midst of man, see the fruits in abundant clusters and countless white clouds. Chorus He does this so all will know God's taken His glory from Judea long ago and brought it to the East. For the last days have already come, the last days have already come, the last days have already come!

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Best Christian Worship Song | "God Hopes to Gain Man's True Faith and Love for Him"


Best Christian Worship Song | "God Hopes to Gain Man's True Faith and Love for Him"

God hopes when you understand, understand the true side of Him, you will grow even closer to Him; you will truly appreciate His love and His concern for mankind; you’ll give your heart up to Him, having no more doubts, having no more suspicions about Him. He does everything for man, though quietly so, doing it all silently through His sincerity, faithfulness, and love. Never does He have any apprehension or regret for what He does; never does He ask for repayment from man, nor hope to get anything from them. His only purpose in all He does is for man’s true faith and love for Him.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

"2019 Christian Gospel Song | ""Obey the Work of the Spirit to Follow to the End"" "


2019 Christian Gospel Song | "Obey the Work of the Spirit to Follow to the End"

The Holy Spirit’s work changes day to day, higher step by step with greater revelations. This is how God works to perfect mankind. If man cannot keep up, he may be left behind. Without a heart willing to obey, he cannot follow through to the end. Those who disobey by nature, oppose by will, they will be left behind, as God’s work rushes on. Only those who obey, gladly humble themselves can progress to the end, to the end of the road. 

Friday, June 28, 2019

Spiritual Growth: What Constitutes True Spiritual Devotion?

Spiritual Growth: What Constitutes True Spiritual Devotion?
Apr 23, 201935
By Li Cheng

I Believed That Spiritual Devotion Consisted of Persistently Reading the Bible, Saying Prayers and Singing Hymns

I remember the first time I went to church and listened to the pastor give a sermon and, afterward, I came to have some knowledge of the Lord Jesus’ salvation and I expressed my desire to believe in the Lord on the spot. As I was leaving, the pastor reminded me that, “To live as a Christian, one must practice spiritual devotion.” I asked the pastor, “What is spiritual devotion? How do we practice it?” The pastor then told me, “Spiritual devotion is reading the Bible, saying prayers and singing hymns of praise every day. When we pray, we must pray for our families, pray for the weak brothers and sisters in our church, and pray for the servants of God. We must persist with reading the Bible and singing hymns every day as well, and we must keep doing it without interruption. As long as you practice spiritual devotion diligently every day, then your spirituality will continue to develop and you will draw closer and closer to the Lord, and then God will be gladdened.”

Thursday, June 27, 2019

2019 Top Gospel Song | "The Life of Man Cannot Be Without God's Sovereignty"


2019 Top Gospel Song | "The Life of Man Cannot Be Without God's Sovereignty"

Not a thing, not a man can be without the rule, the sovereignty of GodMan’s life or life in flesh would be no more without God’s rule and provisions. This is the import of God’s establishment of environments for man’s survival. Everything God does for man’s survival and their multiplication is of importance. Every single thing He does among all things, it is so integral to man’s existence. No matter your race or in what land you live, in the East or in the West, you cannot part from the environments for survival for all mankind established by God. Not a thing, not a man can be without the rule, the sovereignty of God. Man’s life or life in flesh would be no more without God’s rule and provisions. This is the import of God’s establishment of environments for man’s survival. You cannot ever separate yourself from God’s nurturing or His provisions God keeps giving you through the environments He’s established for all mankind’s survival.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

2019 Christian Gospel Song With Lyrics | "Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom"


2019 Christian Gospel Song With Lyrics | "Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom"

When Jesus came to the world of man, He ended the Age of Law, and He brought the Age of Grace.
In the last days God became flesh once more,
He ended the Age of Grace and He brought the Age of Kingdom.
Those who accept the second incarnation of God
will be led to the Kingdom Age and accept God’s guidance.

After man was forgiven his sins,
God returned to flesh to lead him. He will lead man into the new age.
He’s begun the work of judgement
to bring man to a higher realm.
Those who submit enjoy higher truth,
will receive much greater blessings,
truly living in the light.
They will gain the truth, way and life.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

2019 Christian Testimonies "Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven If We Gain Salvation?" (English Dubbed)

2019 Christian Testimonies  "Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven If We Gain Salvation?" (English Dubbed)

Zhang Mude is a preacher at a house church, and he believes that "For with the heart man believes to righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made to salvation" (Romans 10:10). He thinks that because he believes in the Lord Jesus, he is already called righteous, that he has already gained salvation, and that when the Lord returns, he will be directly raptured up into the kingdom of heaven. One day, his daughter returns home from missionary work in other regions and tells her parents wonderful news: their long-awaited Lord Jesus has returned, that He is Almighty God, and that He has begun the work of judgment beginning with God's house in the last days. Zhang Mude thinks that after so many years believing in the Lord, his sins are already forgiven, and that he has absolutely no need for God's further work of judgment and purification. Thereafter, the family of three begin an intense debate about whether gaining salvation can allow one to enter the kingdom of heaven, what kind of people can enter the kingdom of heaven, and related topics …