Saturday, April 20, 2019

How can you pursue the truth so that you are not taken in by lies? What are the principles of practice? (1)

How can you pursue the truth so that you are not taken in by lies? What are the principles of practice? (1)
Nov 29, 2017

The Church of Almighty God, church life, God's word,God's work

Picture of The Church of Almighty God 

Relevant Words of God:

My words represent Me, Myself. Remember this! Do not have doubts; you absolutely must be certain. This is a matter of life and death! This is a terrible thing! As soon as My words are spoken, what I want to do has come to pass.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Gospel Reflection: Giving Credence to Rumors Means Losing God’s Salvation of the Last Days

Gospel Reflection: Giving Credence to Rumors Means Losing God’s Salvation of the Last Days
Jun 22, 2017

The church of Almighty God, church life, God's word, the last days

Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Many brothers and sisters are unable to take heed whenever they hear someone talking about Almighty God’s gospel of the last days, and don’t dare accept what is preached because they have been spooked by the sensationalized rumors fabricated within religious circles. They may hear someone say: “Those who believe in Almighty God are really something—you’ll be taken in as soon as you have contact with them. There are many true believers from every denomination who are good sheep and even bellwethers of good caliber, but they are being stolen by believers in Almighty God….”

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Best English Christian Film "Deadly Ignorance" | Who Should We Listen to in Welcoming the Lord's Return


Best English Christian Film "Deadly Ignorance" | Who Should We Listen to in Welcoming the Lord's Return

Zheng Mu'en is a co-worker at a Chinese Christian church in the US, has believed in the Lord for many years, and passionately works and expends for the Lord. One day, his aunt testifies to him that the Lord Jesus has returned to express the truth and do the work of judging and purifying man in the last days, news which greatly excites him. After reading Almighty God's word and watching the movies and videos of The Church of Almighty God, Zheng Mu'en's heart verifies that Almighty God's words are the truth, and that Almighty God might very well be the return of the Lord Jesus, so he begins investigating the work of God in the last days with his brothers and sisters.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

English Christian Film -"On a Mission" | The Love of God Is With Me on the Way of the Cross


English Christian Film "On a Mission" | The Love of God Is With Me on the Way of the Cross

Christian Chen Yixin has believed in the Lord for many years, and has been fortunate enough to welcome the Lord Jesus' return in the last days—Almighty God! She came to understand God's urgent will to save mankind from Almighty God's words as well as the mission and responsibility a created being should undertake, so she began sharing the gospel and bearing witness to God's work in the last days.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Church Life Movie | "The Way of Human Conduct" | The Judgement of God Saved Me (English Dubbed)


Since a young age, Cheng Jianguang's parents and teachers taught him that rules such as "Harmoniousness is a treasure, forbearance is a virtue," "Keeping silent on the faults of good friends makes for a long and good friendship," "Though you see wrong, it's best to say little" were the touchstones for maintaining good relationships with other people. He took these lessons to heart, and learned to never offend others in his actions and speech, and to always take care of his relationships with others, earning him the reputation of a "good man" with those around him. After he accepts the work of Almighty God in the last days, Cheng Jianguang learns from God's word that only by pursuing the truth and being an honest man can he gain God's approval and be granted salvation by God, so he swears an oath to become an honest person.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Gospel Movie Clip (1) - Why Does the CCP Monitor and Oppress Christians So Much?


Gospel Movie Clip (1) - Why Does the CCP Monitor and Oppress Christians So Much?

The Chinese Constitution clearly stipulates freedom of religion, but behind the scenes, the government expends vast human and financial resources on madly suppressing religious beliefs and brutally persecuting Christians. They have not even stopped at purchasing the most advanced surveillance equipment to monitor, track, and arrest Christians.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Power of Life | Real Story "God's Love Accompanied Me in the Affliction"

Power of Life | Real Story "God's Love Accompanied Me in the Affliction"

Ge Zhen is a church leader of the Church of Almighty God. Because of believing in God, she was watched by the CCP government secretly for half a year. Once in transferring the money used for preaching the gospel, she was arrested by the police. In order to seize more church offerings, the CCP government cruelly tortured Ge Zhen and another church leader over and over, even dragging them to a secret place in deep mountains to set up a court and interrogate by cruel torture. Under the extreme torture of the devils, Ge Zhen's endurance reached its limit. However, Almighty God kept her secretly, inspiring and encouraging her with his words, and giving her faith and strength, so that she overcame the torment and transcended the dark power of satan.