God says, "Since coming to this world, everyone has his mission. As a christian, we have our mission. Looking for God's sheep who are the true and devote, bring them back to God, help them accept God's work, living under God' protection, this is God's hope and our mission"
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Friday, September 21, 2018
God's Utterance "God's Work, God's Disposition, and God Himself I" (Part Three)
God's Utterance "God's Work, God's Disposition, and God Himself I" (Part Three)
God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh".
The content of this video:
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Christian Skit "The Village Mayor's Limits" Who Has Made Christians Homeless (Based on True Story)
Christian Skit "The Village Mayor's Limits" Who Has Made Christians Homeless (Based on True Story)
Christian Skit "The Village Mayor's Limits" Who Has Made Christians Homeless (Based on True Story)
Monday, September 17, 2018
God’s Judgment Work in the Last Days Realizes and Fulfills the Prophecies of the Bible
What is most predicted within the Scriptures is God’s work of judgment and chastisement in the last days. The Scriptures mention God enacting judgment in at least two hundred places; one can say they all predicted that God will carry out His work of judgment and chastisement in the last days. Hereto using just a small portion of the scriptures is enough to prove that God enacting His work of judgment and chastisement is an inevitable step of His last days work. God’s last days work is to use the method of judgment and chastisement to purify, save and perfect mankind; it is the work of classifying each person according to their own kind through judgment and chastisement to finish the age and finally build the kingdom of Christ–God’s beloved kingdom. This is the crystallization of God’s three-stage work of saving mankind and a glorious symbol of His triumph over Satan. Thus, everywhere in the Scriptures we can see writing of prophecies of God’s judgment work in the last days. If someone reads the Scriptures for many years and from start to finish fails to see God’s work of judgment and chastisement that is necessary in His last days work, then that is someone who does not understand the Scriptures in the slightest; it is certainly not a person who knows the work of God. Below is only a small part of obvious writings from the Scriptures to prove that God’s last days work is the work of judgment and chastisement:
Saturday, September 15, 2018
What Truly Are the Foolish Virgins?
What Truly Are the Foolish Virgins?
Bible Verses for Reference:
“Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened to ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. … five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: … While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go you rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Truly I say to you, I know you not” (Mat 25:1-3, 5-12).
Thursday, September 13, 2018
The Word of God | "What Do You Know of Faith?"What Is True Faith in God?
Almighty God says, "My deeds are greater in number than the grains of sand on the beaches, and My wisdom greater than that of all those sons of Solomon, yet men merely think of Me as a physician of little account and an unknown teacher of man! How many believe in Me only so I would heal them? How many believe in Me only so I would use My powers to drive unclean spirits out of their bodies? And how many believe in Me simply to receive peace and joy from Me?
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
2018 Praise and Worship Music "Only Honest People Have a Human Likeness" | The Love of God Saved Me
2018 Praise and Worship Music "Only Honest People Have a Human Likeness" | The Love of God Saved Me
2018 Praise and Worship Music "Only Honest People Have a Human Likeness" | The Love of God Saved Me
For profit I abandoned all standards of conduct,
and brazenly used deception to make my living.
I cared nothing for conscience or morals, nothing for integrity or dignity.
I lived only to slake my ever-growing lust and greed.
With an uneasy heart, I scrabbled in a mire of sin,
For profit I abandoned all standards of conduct,
and brazenly used deception to make my living.
I cared nothing for conscience or morals, nothing for integrity or dignity.
I lived only to slake my ever-growing lust and greed.
With an uneasy heart, I scrabbled in a mire of sin,
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Introduction Songs of Choir: 1.The Sorrow of Corrupt Mankind 2.Man’s True Condition of Being Corrupted by Satan 3.The Practic...
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God Beneath the heavens, all creatures thrive and breed in their own environments, clea...
Introduction During the Age of Grace, the incarnate Lord Jesus appeared to be an ordinary, normal human from the outside, ...