Monday, June 04, 2018

Christian Crosstalk "A Wrong Turn" | Heed the Voice of God and You Will Not Lose Your Way

Christian Crosstalk "A Wrong Turn" | Heed the Voice of God and You Will Not Lose Your Way (English Dubbed) | Eastern Lightning

When Zhao Xun hears the words uttered by the returned Lord, she feels that these words are all the truth. However, she fears that her stature is too small and she is incapable of discerning, so wants to seek out her pastor to act as a gatekeeper. Unexpectedly, on the way to his house, she runs into Sister Zheng Lu. Through Sister Zheng's fellowship on the truth, Zhao Xun ends up having an awakening and realizes that to welcome the return of the Lord, she must focus on hearing the voice of God, that this is the only way to follow His footsteps. Blindly adoring and following the pastors and elders is simply taking a wrong turn.

Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord JesusAlmighty God, Christ of the last days in China, and it isn't established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God's word, you will see that God has appeared.

Eastern Lightning | The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God, The Church
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God
The coming of the Lord Jesus not only ends the old age bound by the laws, bringing mankind into a new era, but also improves the relationship between man and God, and ushers in a new beginning, a new starting point, for God’s work of management among man.

Saturday, June 02, 2018

The Origin and Development of The Church of Almighty God

In the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus promised to His followers, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (Jhn 14:3). He also prophesied, “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Mat 24:27). In the last days, as promised and foretold by Himself, God has again become flesh and descended to the East of the world—China—to do the work of judgment, chastisement, conquest, and salvation using the word, on the foundation of the redemption work of the Lord Jesus.

Friday, June 01, 2018

Eastern Lightning | The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything

Eastern Lightning | The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything
Pictures of the Church of Almighty God
People have but to accept the Lord Jesus as the Savior for their sins to be forgiven, and to enjoy the abundant grace and blessings that come from God. Such graces not only bring people closer to God, but also rescue them from their enslavement to sin.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Christian Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China "The Long Road of Exile"

Since it came to power in mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been relentless in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and destroyed countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and vainly attempted to eradicate all house churches….

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Church of Almighty God| Adam and Eve Living in the Garden of Eden

Have you complained about the environments where you were born into and grew? Have you felt distressed and lost for the failures at work? Have you worked hard for your children to have a good future? Have you been worried about the fortunes of tomorrow? How to get rid of negativity, passiveness, worries, and get out of the pains? Please look forward to the documentary The One Who Holds Sovereignty over Everything of The Church of Almighty God, it will help you to know the root cause and find the way.
The Church of Almighty God, The Church, Eastern Lightning

Pictures of the Church of Almighty God

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | How to Balance Between Busy Work and Faith?

How to Balance Between Busy Work and Faith?

Dear brothers and sisters of Loving Stage,
I am a believer who has just accepted God’s work. Even though fellowship meetings and daily devotions are very important to a Christian, my demanding and tiring job robs all the time I have. I make good money but I always feel the emptiness and shame. How do I balance daily devotions and a hectic work life?